Sunday, July 6, 2008

Post One

I have no idea why I'm doing this except that Damething dared me. It's more complicated than you'd guess, because every clever name I came up with had already been taken - multiple times (which, I suppose, is more indicative of my lack of creativity than a world-wide plot focused on making it difficult for me to blog).

I guess my first task is to come up with clever aliases for my family and friends that I may or may not blog about. I mean, you're usually safe to say "My Mom" or "My Dad" because that's a fairly anonymous alias - get a kid to yell "MOM!!" in a supermarket which will give you a good idea of the commonality of the name. But how do you talk about your beloved (without actually saying "My Beloved", which is just plain pretentious in a Melissa Etheridge-y sort of way)?

I feel that I will spend a lot of time speaking parenthetically in this blog (which, come to think of it, is how I speak in real life).


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