Tuesday, July 15, 2008

It's True!

There really ain't no rhyme for oranges. Check out http://www.writerhymes.com/.


prettygoodlife said...

That's funny. It reminded me of that old Happy Days episode when Ron Howard is dating the brainiac college girl and he writes her a poem that he thinks is stupid because he can't find a rhyme for purpose. But then she comes up with something something can't usurp us.

I probably would have simply changed purpose to reason. But still.

Basiljaz said...

I was referring to HR Puffinstuff and the famous Witchy Poo episode where she sings a whole song about oranges. The last line of the chorus is "There ain't no rhyme for oranges".

Maybe it was only famous to me and my friend who still has his Freddy the Flute.

prettygoodlife said...

I had the most huge crush on Jack Wild. I watched that show even with the giant stuffed costumes. And Witchipoo.