Monday, March 9, 2009

Bloody Hell

My faithful readers (well, PGL anyway) know that I have lived down under nearly ten years now, and although I disagree that I have an "accent", I will admit to using a few choice Kiwi (well, generally down under-ish) phrases. Generally I feel that it's a horrible affectation to move here and immediately sound like I just fell out of some bad British TV show (not that Kiwis sound like that). I don't say "cheers" (not even in e-mails) because, well, I just don't think it's necessary to toast people every time they do something for you. I'll only say "cheers" with a drink in my hand (and even then, I often say "skol" instead). Likewise, I don't say "ta" instead of thanks because, frankly, I just don't get why they say that at all. I don't say "no worries" because that immediately makes me think of "Hakuna Matata" from "The Lion King" and EVERYONE says it. I generally lapse into California surfer dude talk depending on my audience ("Duuuude, that's just not gonna work!") although I don't say "Bro" because that's another word that is used quite often. (For a funny video that was apparently made by Australians to mock the NZ accent - yes, there are distinct differences - check this out: - apologies for the lack of html - it's not working for some reason).

But the phrase that I do use quite often is "Bloody hell" or its slightly less naughty counterpart "Bloody Nora". I use those in situations where the F Word just isn't appropriate (we won't digress into a discussion about whether using the F Word is ever appropriate, but I would argue that it is). But Bloody Hell/Nora are quite effective in everyday conversation.
It can convey dismay "BLOODY Hell!" or disappointment "Oh, bloody Nora" and even works when you hit your thumb with a hammer "BLOODY F-IN HELL!!!!!" I do also admit to occasionally saying "bugger" although it it just another euphamism for the F Word (when you are particularly tired you refer to yourself as "buggered"). I do try not to sound like Hugh Grant in "Four Weddings and a Funeral", however.

There, words you'll never see on Word of the Day.


bk said...

Love it. I'd use it myself, except that I'd probably sound really funny trying to do so.

How did the move go? Well, I hope!

Basiljaz said...

I probably sound funny, but not as funny as if I said cheers.

The move went ok (as well as moves can go). Lots of work to do on the house but we'll get there. It is good to be home. We even bought an extra bed so you guys will have somewhere to sleep when you visit. I do hope you don't really look like your profile picture here - that would scare me if I met you in the hall in the middle of the night...I might even yell "Bloody Nora!".

bk said...

That sounds great, I am really looking forward to coming out for a visit someday. My profile pic was taken on an emotional day for me, so hopefully I'll be looking more my best when we come to see you. And if not, I get to hear you sound funny! :)