Tuesday, May 12, 2009

New Template

I have to admit, I picked it because of the name...tequila.

Readers? How do you like it? I felt the need to update since members of my blogosphere have done the same.


prettygoodlife said...

I like it! I've been tempted to try one of these and then have bk help me change out the images to personal ones (like he did).

Where is your photo?

prettygoodlife said...

Sorry, guess I'm kind of a dufus. Your photo is right there.

bk said...

Looks good... I've played around with a couple of the templates, but I don't find too many of them satisfying. I keep thinking I'm gonna just create my own, but then I realize I'm too lazy. :)

Basiljaz said...

I can't even make links work, so creating my own template is COMPLETELY out.