Thursday, November 5, 2009

The World Series Is Over

I'm a little bit bummed about that. I've actually almost followed baseball this year and I admit that I have really enjoyed it. On ESPN International we get pretty much a game per day, and although it is HEAVILY based on East Coast teams (undoubtedly because of the time zone) I ended up enjoying it more than I have in years (Spring Training notwithstanding as that is always fun).

I actually bet on the Yankees a couple of times over the last few days as I thought they would clinch in Game 5 (and the odds were super great in that way because the game was half over with a big Philly lead when I placed my bet) but they didn't, so I put a bit of money on the Yanquis in Game Seex. I won a whole $6 dollars. I've been studiously avoiding reading any news reports so I didn't know who won, but when Matsui drove in six runs you knew it was inevitable.

Since the Kiwi has been away, I have been watching many American type sports. I am fully into football season now (College and NFL). In fact, I am planning to take Super Bowl Sunday (Monday here) off so I can watch the entire spectacle complete with beer and bad food. I don't care if I watch it alone, although a couple of years ago I watched it with my American boss and we had a great day (the Kiwi made us lots of nice food and we sat there and drank and ate and yelled at the TV).

Have I mentioned how much I love cable TV with recording capabilities? I rarely ever watch live TV now - I record everything and watch at my leisure. They are just now introducing TIVO here but I predict they are a few years late and more than a dollar short on that one - after all, there are only about 6 free to air tv stations in the whole country, and why would you buy a TIVO set, and a FREEVIEW set (to see more than four) just to record a few crappy stations? I digress.

However, we do have new seasons (for us) of Top Chef (love that Padma) and Hell's Kitchen. Still waiting to see all of season five of Entourage (guilty pleasure). And with the 70th Anniversary of WWII, I am ALL OVER the History Channel and all those great docos.

Wow - you know way more about my viewing habits than should be spoken about in polite company.

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