My oldest, dearest friend's Dad died last week. He rocked. He said such funny stuff when we were in High School and Beyond. Here's a laundry list of things he used to say:
Whore's Ovaries - Hours' dourves (I still call them that)
When he liked a drink, he would say "Necatarine of the Gods" with a huge smile on his face.
He thought everyone on TV looked like Laverne from "Laverne and Shirley". He would say "Hey! Doesn't that look like Laverne?" About EVERYONE.
He used to make me drink Coors Light and give me food (mostly salami) every time I showed up at his house (which was often, come to think about it). "Hey Lea, have something to eat!" He was so Italian. In the best way. I think it was because I was the only one of his son's friends that actually drank.
He played golf. I would have loved to have played golf with him, but I took it up too late. He drove like the flaming demons of hell. In a totally good way, but he was a two-footed driver, back from his days in Michigan. You know, the snow and all.
He claims to have received a Purple Heart during WWII, for being hit by a peach can while loading a truck. As far as I can tell, he would have been about 14. But that was how he was, totally funny and always ready to make you laugh. Maybe he just aged gracefully, I can't tell.
When he went to bed, he would say "I'm going to bed to rest my eyes" which meant he was going to watch the Playboy Channel in bed. But I don't actually believe he subscribed, I think that was his way of leaving us kids to make stupid faux Olivia Newton John videos in his living room.
He showed me how to play bocce ball in his in-laws back yard.
Mostly, I never remember him being grumpy or angry, just a good time guy who loved his family. Vaya con Dios, Roberto.
Aw, I'm sorry to hear that. It's so nice that you knew someone that you feel that way about. And so sad that he's gone.
A very touching and fitting send-off, Lea. Must have been a special guy indeed.
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