Friday, June 26, 2009

The Week the 70s Died

What can I say? The demise of Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett AND Michael Jackson make me thoughtful. It's like most of the 70s died this week. Can you feel it? The mortality of our youth? BK may not be quite as sensitive (after all, he probably only knows Michael Jackson from the Thriller years, not from the Tito and Jermaine years - anyone for the Osmond Show? Anyone?) but I know that PGL is feelin' it, aren't you dawg? I too appreciated Farrah's poster, I just didn't realise why until much later. And of course I went through the whole wings thing with my hair - who didn't? With all due respect to Jack Nicholson in "The Shining", no one says "Heeeeeere's JOHNNY!" like old Ed did.



prettygoodlife said...

I know it's very sad, but did you hear about Farrah? Apparently, she went straight to heaven and St. Peter said, "omigod! FARRAH!"

Apparently, he's a total fanboy.

Anyhoo, he just couldn't get past it, asked for an autograph, talked about how she liked working with the other angels, and said, Sugar, I shouldn't be doing this, but since you were one of the original angels, is there any sort of wish I can grant for you? Anything I can do?

Farrah smiled and said, Oh, St. Peter, that's not necessary. Please, just protect the little children of the world.

And then - POOF - Michael Jackson appeared!

bk said...

Hey, I appreciated Farrah's poster more than you guys (er, gals)... I actually had it hanging in my bedroom when I was a teen.