Currently, I have issues with dates. Not romantic type dates (got that covered), but scheduling dates. The Kiwi has a number of flights booked to come home over the next few months. So, there's those dates floating around. Then, there are the dates for the project that I'm doing but hasn't been approved yet (yet another set of dates). THEN there's the dates that I am going to go the States for a flying visit (as they say here - a.k.a. a quick visit). My Mother says "the only dates we are booked is when the family goes to Tahoe, which is July 18-26". Wanna guess which dates I booked my flight for? July 16-25. They looked really good when I was booking them. Normally I would have obsessively compared all of the dates that may come into play but this time I totally didn't do that. I even had a conversation with the Kiwi this morning about why those dates weren't the best (because, at the end of that same week that I return, I go to Auckland for a visit with said Kiwi).
So, I have a dilemma. Do I keep the dates I have and try to work it out with my family? On one hand it would be easy to go with them, as they will all be there in one place, saving us thousands of miles in the car travelling all over Phoenix. And, the weather in Tahoe in July will be definitely better to the weather in Phoenix in July. On the other hand, it may be a logistical nightmare trying to get myself from LAX to PHX to RNO to Tahoe. On the other hand, I do have all those miles I still haven't used for Delta and United. I could change the flights to August which would probably be better work-wise.
My brain is full.
Well, if they are going to Reno, I would just go straight to Reno, not stop in Phoenix. That's just me. Particularly in July, when you always run the risk of bursting into flame.
When you decide, let me know. I need to see the fam damily again this year and I'm sure Susan would enjoy a detour to your Mom's place.
No promises, just saying.
As it turns out, they are leaving two days after I arrive, so I'm driving up with them. It looks like I will be free on 17 July (doesn't that make me sound fabulous?. Jet lagged, but free. If you're in town, maybe we can have lunch or something?
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