We became Grandmothers tonight.
The Kiwi's daughter had a girl. I started to write baby girl but to have a full grown one would require our own National Geographic Special. Actually, when "I" had her she was already 12 so I kinda did, in my own, inimitable way.
Details? We ain't got none at the moment other than "Mother and daughter are well". The Kiwi (as we speak) is probably arriving at the hospital to find out all of the details. She flew to Canberra to see the new 'un. We're going over again in November - this trip was a last minute thing since the whole pregnancy went over by nine days. I only hope they don't complain she was over cooked at Judge's Table.
In some ways, I think text messages are the telegrams of the New Millenium.
Granddaughter born (stop) All well (stop) More to follow (stop).